It is said that love is a splendid thing in which all humanity longs for, everyone wants to be loved. Love is a natural desire and normal longing which says, I don’t want to be alone. Note I said alone, not lonely, loneliness is a state of mind, while alone is a state of being. Love is meant to accommodate our lives, not our mind. We see this truth in Genesis 2:18 when God saw that there was something missing in Adam’s life. God looked at him and said, “ it is not good for man to be alone, I will make him a help meet”, not a helpmate or someone to mate with, but a suitable conscientious helper, in the person of his wife, Eve.
Notice the word God used to describe her, “help meet”, Adam needed someone to stand by him to comfort, encourage, strengthen, counsel and support him in carrying out the will of God. In the same manner inclusive and exclusive of marriage, we all need a help meet. Someone suitable in our lives, be it in marriage or being single, we need a suitable partner, friend, or confidant; someone we can depend on, trust and lean on, to give us the council, support, encouragement, and help we all so desperately desire and need.
Although Eve was created to be a help to Adam, when God brought her to him, Adam simultaneously became a help meet to her, and as a result of their union, the two together walked in harmony fulfilling their God given purpose.
In the same manner, and for the same purpose, every human being has been gifted with life to love and to share with others. We are helpers of one another, graced with life from God for the purpose of helping all of creation to remain in harmony with God.
May we all recognize our creative purpose and strive to live and honor the greatest advice ever given to man. Loving God with all our hearts, souls and might and loving our neighbors as ourselves. These are the two greatest commandments. Always be proactive when it comes to loving and never wait for others to initiate it. Romans 5: 8 but God demonstrated his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us, and also John 3:16 says, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. When we are proactive in showing love it will always give life to someone else.
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