The University of Delaware students who joined were instrumental in the church's beginnings and have always played a very vital role in the church. Upon graduating, most still consider Prayer Temple Church of God in Christ their home church. Those who graduated and return to their home states or move on to pursue their careers carry the seeds of our ministry with them.
Prayer Temple has impacted thousands of lives through the word that God has given to our pastor.
In 1994, Prayer Temple purchased the current location. Just five years later, we were also able to purchase 51 and 53 New London Road where you now see the beautiful landscaping and parking lot.
After twenty-two years as Prayer Temple Church of God In Christ, we reorganized and became Prayer Temple Ministries (PTM). Thereafter we continued to accomplish much in the physical and spiritual realm of our ministry.
God remains gracious to us by keeping us focused on His plan.
As a result, we paid off our mortgage and souls were added to the kingdom.
In 2007, Elder Joseph Williams became the Assistant Pastor of Prayer Temple Ministries.
In 1982, God blessed Elder Joenathan Hunter with a vision of a church where the people of God could be free to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
A glorious event took place in Newark, Delaware at the George Wilson Community Center when Prayer Temple Church of God in Christ, under the leadership of the late Jurisdictional Prelate of Delaware, Bishop L.T. Blackshear, opened its doors for the first time on December 18, 1983.
After much prayer, God gave Elder Hunter the name for the church, and as is often the case, God sent confirmation of His choice through the First Lady when He directed her to Matthew 21:13 “my house shall be called the house of prayer for all people”
The mission of the church is to minister to the needs of all people regardless of race, creed, color, or religion. In doing so, the community has recognized the works of our pastor and the church. Prayer Temple has become a valued member of the Newark community.
At its inception, Prayer Temple consisted of six members, five of whom were members of the Hunter family and one University of Delaware student. Since then, the membership has come from all over the United States and the world. “And the LORD has added such as should be saved” (Acts 2:47).
Both Bishop Hunter and Mother Hunter diligently served not only the Prayer Temple congregation but the larger community as well.
Bishop Hunter has received many awards and certifications for his volunteerism and humanitarian efforts throughout the country. He was a life member of the NAACP and was issued a certificate of Civil Life Membership. He was drafted into the Vietnam War from June 1965 to June 1966, and after completing his military obligation, he returned home to complete his education at Delaware State University graduating with a B.S. degree in Business Administration, And in 1992, he completed Clinical Studies for Pastoral Education (CPE).
Bishop Hunter led by example and you could hear him say often “I am merely a vessel through which God speaks.” and during his weekly benediction would humbly ask church members and visitors, “Leave this place, but not the presence of the Lord”.
At present, Pastor Elder Joseph Williams was appointed by the Church Board to be the Pastor of Prayer Temple Ministries.
On June 8, 2018, the Lord called our First Lady home- Lady Joyce D. Hunter. We are eternally grateful for her presence since our humble beginnings and throughout the many years that she served the Lord and supported our pastor’s efforts to make Prayer Temple what it is today. Her contributions were invaluable.
She implemented the mother – daughter annual tea and worked diligently in the marriage ministry in its infancy. A woman of beauty, grace, and wisdom, she affected many others and was a strong pillar for our families. Mother HUNTER always knew what to say to encourage us. She was present at our life events, supported our children and their activities and attended countless graduation ceremonies.
Bishop Joenathan Hunter, SR passed away February 2020 and served as Pastor of Prayer Temple ministries of Newark Delaware for over thirty-five years. In 2012, Reverend Hunter was elevated to the Office of Bishop.
For over fifteen years, Pastor and Evangelist Williams faithfully served the Prayer Temple Ministries church under the leadership of the late Bishop Joenathan Hunter Sr. After the passing of Bishop Hunter Sr. in March of 2020, Pastor Joseph Williams stepped into the role as Pastor of Prayer Temple Ministries in October of 2020. He and his wife have been leading the church ever since.
Pastor and Evangelist Williams believes they were called to full time ministry when they accepted Christ in their hearts. Full time ministry is not just a call to the pulpit, it is a calling, not only in word, but in words and deeds.
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To honor our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ by carrying out his command to make disciples of all nations (or peoples) [Matthew 28:19]. Thus, to target the unchurched.
To be a place where the hurting, depressed, oppressed, frustrated, confused, naked, and hungry find love, acceptance, forgiveness, hope guidance and encouragement.
To offer every member educational instruction toward becoming mature disciples through Sunday School, Bible Study, seminars, workshops and retreats.
To assist all in in discovering, nurturing and utilizing their God-given talents.
To provide a facility that enables several activities to be offered simultaneously and enhances our efforts to offer a holistic ministry to the glory of God.
To become one of the primary Pentecostal training and educational centers for the State of Delaware.
We believe God instructs us to minister to all people. However, without resources, finances, skilled, faithful, trainable and teaching workers, the vision will perish.
Therefore, we commit to:
Be lights in the dark world so people will approach us for direction.
Invite all people to come, Taste and see that the Lord is good!” [Psalm 34:8].
Share with people the Word of God and how He has and continues to work in our lives.
Be a spiritual blessing to our church by seeking God for our calling and performing it to His Glory.
Be a financial blessing to our church by becoming a tither, demonstrating our faith in God to provide.
Pray fervently for our members, that all will grow in the knowledge of God and in the fruit of the Spirit.
Identify and participate in positive activities to meet the various needs of the City of Newark and its residents.
Direct more of the church community’s attention to saving our youth at the University of Delaware and surrounding educational institutions.
“Follow peace with everyone” [Hebrew 12:4], and loving them unconditionally.
To serve as a guiding light, introducing (or leading) families to God and encouraging all believers of Jesus Christ to become His matured disciples.
We believe the Bible is God’s perfect word and is relevant to every generation. The Scriptures instruct us in truth and inspire us to please God with our daily lives. We hope you join us in studying the word!
We are privileged to serve the living God. And, we count it a responsibility and an honor to serve others as Jesus Christ serve us. At our church, there are many opportunities for you to use your gifts to reach out to others.
The main reason we come together as a family of God is to the worship the Lord. When we humbly put our faith and trust in Him, we receive His blessing, guidance and peace that passes all understanding. We hope you experience the healing touch of His grace today.
At Prayer Temple Ministries, we believe God instructs us to minister to all people. However, without resources, finances, skilled, faithful, trainable, and teaching workers, the vision will perish.
Therefore, we commit to:
• Being a light in this dark world, illuminate the path to The Way (John 14:6)
• Invite everyone to come, “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Psalm 34:8).
• Share with everyone the Word of God and how He has and continue to work in our lives.
• Be a spiritual blessing to our church by seeking God for our calling and performing it to His glory
• Be a financial blessing to our church by becoming a cheerful giver, demonstrating our faith in God to provide.
• Pray fervently for our members, that all will grow in the knowledge of God and in the fruit of the Spirit.
• Identify and participate in positive activities to assist with the various needs of the City of Newark and its residents.
• Direct the church community’s attention to saving our youth at the University of Delaware and surrounding educational institutions.
• As stated in Hebrew 12:14: “Follow peace with everyone” by loving them unconditionally.
The bonds between Christian friendships are like no others. We believe in cultivating relationships and strengthening these bonds between members of our church. You’ll discover that encouragement, accountability, service and love are the hallmarks of friendships here. And, our arms are always open to welcome new friends!
Being a believer in Jesus is a wonderful adventure! There are many ways members can experience the life-changing touch of God here—through exciting ministries, Bible studies and special programs children and adults of all ages can live out their faith in action.
Pastor Joseph Williams stepped into the role as Pastor of
Prayer Temple Ministries in October of 2020. Pastor Williams has served not only his religious community, but is also a United States Marine Corps Veteran.
Evangelist Williams serves as an ordained minister and Director of Evangelism and Outreach at Prayer Temple Ministries, which she has occupied this role. She's actively serves in the Prison Ministry, Sunday Breakfast Mission, Nursing Homes Facilities, Hope Dining Hall, & Random Acts of Kindness in the community.
Mother Mary Williams humbly serves in the capacity of a Church Mother at Prayer Temple Ministries. She represents strength, soundness, and godly reverence of her faith. She helps to guide younger women in their own walk with the Lord.
Prophetess Reynolds has been an active member of Prayer Temple Ministries for the past 10 years and is responsible for the Christian Education Ministry which promotes the edification of believers by providing diverse venues to study and learn the Word of God.
Youth Pastor Inez Smith has served at Prayer Temple for 31 years and now serves as the Youth Pastor. Inez's passion is to be a leader, confidant, and teacher to Christian youth. She leads by example and teaches young people how to apply the teachings of God when making daily decisions.
Minister Vann joined Prayer Temple Ministries in 1997 and became an ordained Minister in 2011. Minister Vann is also a Certified Bereavement Specialist and has for 10 years has served as the director of Family Life Ministries at Prayer Temple Ministries.
Sarah has been a member of Prayer Temple Ministries for 20 years and enjoys serving the congregation as Church Administrator. Sarah is married with two daughters and her favorite pastime is spending time with her family and traveling abroad.
Randy has served as PTM’s treasurer for over 10 years and is responsible for handling church finances as well as general bookkeeping. Randy works along with the church board members to maintain the physical church, so that members and guests can be spiritually fed.
Promotes the edification of believers by providing diverse venues to study and learn the Word of God, which include Sunday School, Bible Study and other small study groups. These venues include Adult and Youth Sunday School and Bible Study for all in the congregation & visitors.
This department promotes and nurtures the spiritual growth and family wellness through bible-based ministries that will develop, educate, enrich, restore and bring support to each member of the family. Their role being to offer the support and resources needed for families to experience effective spiritual growth.
The role of this department is to minister God’s Word through song in a way that prepares the heart of the people to receive Christ as their personal Savior. Through music believers are encouraged in their Christian walk, create an atmosphere conducive for worship and compliment the preached Word.
The church mother of Prayer Temple Ministries is expected to teach and lead by example. To work alongside other ministries in the church in order to build a strong community of women who are bonded together in love and faith.
This department manages the finances and physical needs of the church as well as educates the congregation about holistic stewardship and accountability to God.
[This ministry supports the youngest members of our congregation to learn how to walk with God as they grow into responsible adults]
This dynamic department helps to promote spiritual growth of the congregation as well as serve and share the Good News in our local and international communities.
This ministry provides administrative assistance to the Pastor and oversees administrative assistance for the broader ministry. This includes corresponding internally and externally on behalf of the Pastor, maintaining church vital records, church calendar, and disseminating service bulletins.
Here at Prayer Temple Ministries, we give with a cheerful heart and believe that what we give, will be given back to us - in an abundance.
In order to meet the financial needs of the church, we believe in tithing and offering.
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”
2 Corinthians 9:6-7 NIV)